Month: April 2013


What MFA means in Detroit

Over the past two years that I’ve been working toward my MFA at the Cranbrook Academy of Art, my standard (hackneyed?) retort to artists, critics, friends, janitors, anyone who wants to talk-about-art-in-Detroit, is that artists are going to have a hard time being self-sustaining here, and for reasons we’re all […]


Inspired by Guernica: Judy Glantzman

I love it when established artists start something new. After seeing Pablo Picasso’s Guernica for the first time three years ago, Judy Glantzman began moving away from the introspective self-portraits she had been making for many years toward a less self-engaged exploration of the devastation caused by war. Determined that […]


Retro: Let’s make ZINES

Yesterday I saw lots of good stuff at the 2013  Brooklyn Zine Fest, held in a dark Williamsburg bar. Here is a short video I found on the Brooklyn College Zine Collection blog about how to make a simple zine, which shows that all you really need is the desire […]


IMAGES: Matt Phillips

A founding member of TSA, a new artist-run space in Bushwick, Matt Phillips cites Alfred Jensen, Marimekko patterns and Gee�s Bend quilts as touchstones for his accident-prone abstractions that combine wobbly geometric shape with distinctive color relationships and casually agitated brushwork.”I�m interested in working with these things that are dumb […]


9 painters receive 2013 Guggenheim Fellowships

Considered mid-career awards, Guggenheim Fellowships recognize “demonstrated exceptional capacity for productive scholarship or exceptional creative ability in the arts.” Between 3,500 and 4,000 applications are submitted each year, and approximately 200 Fellowships, which include a substantial amount of cash depending on the scope of the project and the Fellows’ other […]


Paris: A multiplicity of simple interactions

Today is the last day for Drawing Now in Paris, but “Emergence,” an elegant group exhibition of reductive abstract painting will be on view at H�tel de Sauroy through April 27.  Curators Katrin Bremermann, Erin Lawlor and Yifat Gat have assembled a handsome show featuring work by an international cohort […]