Month: April 2009


Bruce Pollock: Nothing is what it seems

In the Philadelphia Inquirer Edith Newhall reports that Bruce Pollock’s new paintings at Fleisher/Ollman Gallery represent a two-dimensional distillation and multiplication of the sculptures he made in the early 1980s. “They employ some of the same geometry (albeit a miniaturized version) and sublime coloration as the sculptures. But you could […]


Darren Waterston: What’s up with the sublime?

In the San Francisco Chronicle Daniel N. Alvarez reports that Darren Waterston’s paintings are sparked by his interest in past artists’ attempts to depict the vast, all-encompassing world of the sublime. “Waterston took more than 18 months to craft the show, a process he says involved exploring the abstracted ideas […]


The New York School at Bowdoin College

Surveying Lower Manhattan�s disparate art world in the 1950s and early 1960s, “New York Cool,” at the Bowdoin College Museum of Art in Brunswick, Maine, features over 80 paintings, sculptures, drawings, and prints culled from the collection of New York University. While the post-war period witnessed tremendous creative ferment in […]


Big Love: Artists and Social Networking Technology

“Big Love,” a conversation I’m organizing via the FaceBook Event Invitation feature, is part of the “Status Update” show at Haskins Laboratories in New Haven. Confirmed guests include Matt Held (I�ll Have my Facebook Portrait Painted by Matt Held), Paddy Johnson (Art Fag City), Sharon Kleinman (author of Displacing Place), […]


Martin Kippenberger shines at MoMA

I finally saw the remarkable Martin Kippenberger retrospective at MoMA yesterday, which is a must-see for anyone who doubts that the physical act of making objects holds meaning. “The career of the German artist Martin Kippenberger, who died in 1997 at 44, was a brief, bold, foot-to-the-floor episode of driving […]


Another nude painting of politicians

The painting, by Italian artist Filippo Panseca, features a nude Mr Berlusconi leaning close to an equally unclad Mara Carfagna. Two years ago, the prime minister told the television starlet, and millions of Italians watching on television, that he would marry her like a shot if he wasn’t married already. […]