Tag: San Franciso Chronicle


Judith Belzer: Crawling along the bark of a tree

In the SF Chronicle, Edward Guthmann profiles Judith Belzer, whose tree-bark paintings are featured at Room For Painting Room For Paper this month. “‘A lot of people look at nature as something remote and romantic, far removed from us,’ Belzer says. ‘But I’ve always been interested in seeing nature as […]


In San Francisco: Ouadahi, Bhujbal, Soloman

“Driss Ouadahi: Another Place, Another Me,” Hosfelt Gallery, San Francisco, CA. Through Dec. 8. Drawing upon a lifelong interest in architecture, Ouadahi creates a hybrid language of structural design and abstract painting that infuses the rigid form of monotonous buildings with color and light. Broad, multi-colored brushstrokes define volume and […]


Klimt the movie

Klimt According to the press kit, director Raul Ruiz “transports us to 1918 where Gustav Klimt (John Malkovich) lies on his deathbed. We follow Klimt’s feverish visions back to the Austrian pavilion at the World Exhibition of 1900 in Paris, where he is awarded the gold medal for his work […]


Il Lee ballpoint pen drawings at the Queens Museum

“Il Lee: Ballpoint Drawings,” curated by Joanna Kleinberg. The Queens Museum of Art, New York. Through Sept. 30, 2007. The Queens Museum of Art introduces the work of Il Lee (b. 1952), a Korean-born artist living and working in Brooklyn since 1977. Using disposable ballpoint pens, Lee creates dramatic ink […]


Mart�n Ram�rez drawings at the San Jose Museum of Art

Kenneth Baker in the San Francisco Chronicle: “These days, art museums frequently introduce important exhibitions with orientation materials. They seldom enlist another institution to do it for them, as the San Jose Museum of Art has with its visually gripping exhibition ‘Mart�n Ram�rez.’ Stop first at San Jose’s Mexican Heritage […]


Unrehearsed expressiveness in art

Kenneth Baker in The San Francisco Chronicle recommends The Passionate Gesture: “Hackett-Freedmaninvites us to think about whether and how we can recognize unrehearsed expressiveness in art. Modernism staked itself on fresh starts, or faith in them, again and again. Impressionism, Fauvism, Cubism, Futurism, Surrealism, Constructivism, on down to Pop Art, […]