Gallery shows

Strassman, Kolodziejczyk, Slick in Boston

Duane Slick: Paths of My Fathers,” Nielsen Gallery, Boston, MA. Through Dec. 1.
“Shadowy and elusive in both form and content. That makes them fascinating to look at; they pull you in, but don’t quite answer your questions. A Native American artist of the Sac and Fox Nation of Iowa, Slick takes the trickster coyote as his avatar.”

Ann Strassman: New Work,” Kidder Smith Gallery, Boston, MA. Through Dec. 1.
Starssmans’s Artist Statement- 2007: A riot of pigment applied with an athletic force-coming together to create life. There are no metaphors-just the magic of paint.

Dorota Kolodziejczyk: Scenic,” Julie Chae Gallery, Boston, MA. Through Dec. 8.
“She plays bait and switch with landscape, deftly treading the line between abstraction and representation. The artist stains and pours paint vertically on the canvas, sometimes prodding it with a brush, and then she turns the work on its side so all the verticals read like horizon lines. Those horizons build into shifty, spacious landscapes, but look twice and they flatten into an all-surface ode to color.”

Read more from Cate McQuaid’s report in the Boston Globe.

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